Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Victims Need Our Help!

Just when you thought you were done hearing from me . . .

Hurricane Sandy Victims Need Our Help!
I have about 200 quilts that were donated to Phoenix Quilts that I was going to use for the 2013 wildfire season.  But hearing about the thousands of people who are still without power and are freezing cold, I've decided to donate the remaining quilts to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. 
I need your help, though.  I can't afford to ship all of these quilts by myself, so I'm asking . . . would you be willing to make a monetary donation to help me get these quilts out of my basement and wrapped around those who need it now?  There is a link on the right-side bar that enables you to donate easily with PayPal.  Will you please help me help those who have such a great need???
Thank you so much for your generosity!


I know it's been terribly long since I've written a post.  Sometimes life gets in the way when you have other plans!  :/

I've needed to tell you for a while that Phoenix Quilts is done accepting quilts for the 2012 wildfire season.  More important than that, though, I need to publicly thank some people who have helped Phoenix Quilts be so successful:  Debby F. helped me distribute quilts in Colorado Springs; Sarah at Fabric Seeds donated a lot of fabric and quilts; Barbie M. got a lot of fabric and batting donations, quilted some quilts, and donated some quilts; Marion M. helped collect many quilt donations and donated quilts; Annie M. and Carrie B. have both helped me monitor fires in different states and donated a lot of quilts; Aunt Spicy has donated quilts and has written several blog posts for me, highlighting some of you and the quilts you've sent in!  I also want to thank the Salt Lake/Ogden Longarm Quilt Guild for donating their quilting time and expertise for 60 quilts!  There are several other women across the country who have quilted quilts for me, too!  And finally, Riley Blake donated a lot of fabric, WinLine Textiles donated batting, and My Lazy Daisy donated a lot of fabric and quilts and held a quilt-a-thon!  Thank you to all of these people and companies for helping to lighten my load!

A great BIG hug and thanks go to each of you who have donated quilts, quilt tops, quilt blocks, fabric, miscellaneous items, and money!  You have been so amazingly generous with your donations!  We received approximately 450 quilts!  They came from 42 different states and 8 different countries!  We were able to help so many people who lost their homes to wildfires this summer!  I'm sure they were comforted and appreciate the quilts that were given to them!  THANK YOU!!!  :)

Thank you for your kind words of support and encouragement!  Thank you for your patience with me as I tried to keep everything organized!  I could have never tackled such a big project without the help of each one of you!  My heart has been so touched by all that you've said and done - I will be forever grateful for all of you, my new friends!  :')

My final thanks goes out to my husband and children!  Thank you for putting up with the quilts and boxes and my crazy days!  Thank you for helping me sort and label and organize and distribute the quilts!  Thank you for being my family - the BEST ever!  :)
